
Showing posts from October, 2023

MH370 UAP Videos: Debunking the Nonsense.

by Ken S last updated Dec.5th, 2023 MH370 UAP Videos The recent renewed interest and discovery of these MH370 UAP videos has sparked much debate about the authenticity  of these videos and whether, or not, they are real or were manipulated/edited in any way. After studying  these videos for several months and helping to prove these videos are real I would like to clear up some misconception and misinformation that is being circulated on the net which I find to be false and misleading and doesn't do the truth any favors. When we begun to prove these videos were real we started with knowing just the coordinates in the satellite video, I theorized that if this plane is MH370 then this plane would have been turning around 18:40 UTC the time the MH370  Inmarsat  BFO data indicates this plane changed direction based on the changing BFO values due to the Doppler effect. We also believed t his plane would have been the only plane in the Andaman Sea at that time making its fi...

The UAP Videos are REAL but not the VFX portal.

Last Updated Jan.11th, 2024. The UAP videos are just one piece of the larger MH370 puzzle. To me the debate as to whether these videos are all CGI or real is over, the videos are real however the portal is fake. The reason I believe the videos are real is because of my previous  research  which proves the clouds in video match an actual NASA sat image taken at those coordinates on that day, at that location, at that time. You can't fake that easily, the clouds don't lie.  So if we accept the premise the videos are real then if this is the plane that was transmitting this Inmarsat data then that data tells us this plane flew for another 5 hrs 32 mins after it turned at 18:47 UTC into SIO. Therefore this data and Kate Tee's sighting of a high flying plane heading south (~19:00 UTC) proves the VFX portal in this video must be fake. If this plane went through a portal in the Andaman Sea the last 6 pings of the Inmarsat data would not exist so since they do exist that should t...

What Really Happened to MH370? The Witness Stories.

Last Updated Nov. 19th, 2023 INTRODUCTION This theoretical MH370 flight path model is based on ear and eye witness reports that were reported by various witnesses who believe they saw. or heard MH370 on March 8th, 2014, as well as satellite imagery and logical speculation based on these reports. After studying these witness reports for the last year I have become convinced there must be some truth to the story these witnesses are telling us. This cannot be just a coincidence that when you just happen to layout 30+ random witness reports on a map, and look at them in chronological order by geographical location , they seem to describe a flight path of a plane, that looked very much like MH370 to them.  Hard to imagine that all these witnesses saw a mirage, or  just happen to see another commercial jetliner flying at low altitude on fire at same time MH370 goes missing and some world airline forgot to report that incident to the public. More likely the jet these witnesses s...